Appraisal of Devastation by Droughts in Pakistan
Stream flow and other drought indicators show a high frequency of dry periods in the Indus Basin, Droughts Stream flow, Basin, Moisture, TemperatureAbstract
We should not take dry weather for granted, as it has the potential to have huge economic repercussions. In Pakistan, a lack of water negatively influences agriculture and hydropower output. Droughts in the Indus River basin in Pakistan were studied using stream flow data from Pakistan's major rivers. The Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab, Rivers stream flow were investigated to measure the severity of the droughts in the Tarbela, Mangla, Marala, and Warsak hydrological sites. All of Pakistan's stations had a dry spell, which is considered the country's worst drought on record. In the previous 12 years, droughts have become more common, which may be attributable to climate change. While the research was taking place, there were a number of storms of varying severity. Droughts can be mitigated by a variety of methods in the scientific community.