Relative Abundance and Census Indices of Migratory Ducks along Selected Water Bodies in District Bannu of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan
Bannu, Hunting, Species Richness, DucksAbstract
Ducks have adopted webbed feet and wide bills in communal which sponsor them to move far and wide without any restrictions in wetlands and investigation of food in water or marshy and muddy areas. Current research work aimed to assess the diversity of migratory duck species and estimate their population indices in the district of Banu Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Field and Social surveys were conducted at seven sites along different water bodies in the study area. Point and line transect methods were used to collect the data. Certain indices were used to calculate the species diversity. Reported species were identified using different published morphometric keys and field guides. A total of ten species of migratory ducks belonging to the Family were reported. Mallard Duck and Marbled Duck were reported as the most dominant and least dominant species respectively. Genus Anas and Genus Marmaronetta were reported as the most dominant and least dominant Genera respectively. River Kurram 24.10% (n=113), was reported as the most dominant water body to individuals reported there. The total census density of species showed a value of 0.377 birds per km2. The present study shows that most people hunt for fun and are involved in illegal poaching and hunting, which is reported as one of the main threats to their diversity. Other threats include deforestation and loss of habitat, which need special attention from the wildlife department.